Martin's Videos

Imagination 1999 and 2002 – Ultimate Tribute

by on May.05, 2008, under Epcot, Future World, Walt Disney World

Imagination 1999 and 2002 – Ultimate Tribute from Martins Videos on Vimeo.

Finally, a remake of my Journey into YOUR Imagination and With Figment video. Begin in 1982 at the pavilions design, and the ride that didn`t open until 1983. Take a look at how the original ride worked, and the problems it had that would play a key part in the rehab decisions 15 years later. Then follow step by step how the pavilion changed in 1998-9, what was removed and what was added. This is followed by full coverage of the 1999 queue, and a new hi quality multi angle, new clean live audio mix full ride on Journey into YOUR Imagination. Next follow the changes made in 2001-2, and then walk the full queue of the current pavilion. Then take a full ride of Journey into Imagination with Figment, with a new high quality multi angle video edit and a new high quality clean live audio mix that features each part of the new One Little Spark in full. Explore the current Imageworks, and then watch split screen compasison videos of both the 1983 and 2002 rides and the 1999 and 2002 rides, showing what replaced what and what used to be where. Finally, see comparisons of the changes made in the foyer, queue and Imageworks areas and what used to be where compared to the pavilion today. 55 minutes long!

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