Martin's Videos

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea WDW Ultimate Tribute

by on Jun.27, 2015, under Fantasyland, Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea WDW – Ultimate Tribute from Martins Videos on Vimeo.

Go back to 1969 to see the origins of the original Fantasyland ride. A large concept and construction section covers the rides design, layout, construction and operation and includes a look how the infamous dock layout worked with multiple submarines. Then walk the line and board your sub for a full ride of the attraction, featuring a split screen porthole view for both port and starboard views in sync with each other, and a new stereo mix of the soundtrack from Kingdom of Memories, offering a near perfect clean and clear audio track of the full attraction. Finally see the operational issues the ride had, it’s closure and what happened to the area afterwards. 32 minutes long. Enjoy!

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