Martin's Videos

Pirates of the Caribbean – Martin’s 2021 Ultimate Tribute – part four Paris

by on Oct.09, 2021, under Adventureland, Disneyland Park (Paris), Disneyland Resort Paris

Pirates of the Caribbean – Martin’s 2021 Ultimate Tribute – part four Paris from Martins Videos on Vimeo.

A huge project that’s been a real labour of love for me. See why the Parisian Pirates is considered by many to be the best and most lavish version of the legacy rides. Go back to the origins of the ride, how it was changed from previous versions, how and why the storyline was altered and how it was designed and laid out and built. Also take a look at all the major changes made since 1992. Then take a full, shot in 4K tour of the attraction from outside, a detailed look at the queue, and on to the lavish load dock. I took care as much as possible to make each shot appear how the ride does. Not too dark, not too bright. Experience a full, huge multi angle edit of the ride covering every detail. Similarly I’m quite proud of the all new source and clean live audio mix I’ve slaved away at. Disembark, browse the store, walk outside, then take a full tour of Captain Jacks restaurant. Jump on the steam train to see the ride from the railroad, then take a look around the expanded attraction area at dusk. This ones been a project of passion for me. I started editing it a year ago and ended up with footage from 15 rides over 2 separate trips. I hope you think it was worth it.

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