Martin's Videos

EPCOTs 30th Anniversary HD

by on Oct.21, 2012, under Epcot, Parades and Fireworks, Walt Disney World

October 1 2012 in full. Arriving at Epcot at sunrise, see the lines outside the park and then rope drop. Sample the park atmosphere, see the crowds in World Showplace for the speeches, then see a part of the 3pm rededication “moment” at American Gardens Theatre. Go inside the Odyssey, and then watch the fall 2012 version of Reflections of Earth shot in multi angle HD with a new source music / live pyro mix. Following the regular show is a full multi angle edit of the special 30th anniversary tag, again with source music/ live pyro. Finally, as crowds leave cross an almost empty park for the end of an amazing day. 46 minutes long. Enjoy!

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