Martin's Videos

Disney Hollywood Studios 2015 – a walking tour by Martin

by on May.07, 2016, under Animation Courtyard, Disney's Hollywood Studios, Pixar Place, Streets of America, Walt Disney World

Disney Hollywood Studios 2015 – a walking tour by Martin from Martins Videos on Vimeo.

Something a little different. In 2014 and 2015 I made sure to do an exterior tour of every area liable to change in the future. A snapshot in time before things changed and possibly change.

Start by driving into the parking lot via both entrances and enter the park. Walk around Animation Courtyard then down Mickey Avenue / Pixar Place and all around the Fountain Courtyard / Studio Catering area.

Then pass the Honey play area into Streets of America and take a full walking tour of all the streets, the buildings and its details. Finish with a walk around Streets of America at night.

All set to an audio mix of past DHS and MGM shows and entertainment.

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