Martin's Videos

Mickeys Not So Scary Halloween Party and Boo to Parade 2009 HD

by on Oct.31, 2009, under Magic Kingdom, Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party, Parades, Fireworks, Castle Forecourt Shows, Special Events, Walt Disney World

Mickeys Not So Scary Halloween Party and Boo to Parade 2009 HD from Martins Videos on Vimeo.

A mega edit – 55 high definition minutes of Halloween party spookiness! Enter Main St, walk to the hub, and take in the guests arriving in costume. Head for Liberty Square and the Haunted Mansion for sunset, then take a full tour of the park taking in the sights, sounds and atmosphere of party night. Grab your parade spot for the Headless Horseman showing, then see the entire parade in full, shot from 10 angles to show each main elements full loop with a source/live/induction audio mix. Then leave the park, walking through Main St whilst the full lightshow plays.

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4 Comments for this entry

  • Paul

    This video is amazing. I tried to download it from Vimeo but it has the .div extension which is unplayable. Any suggestions? I cannot use torrents on the computer I am at. Thank you for all the work you put in to this.

  • Luiz Carlos Pantoja Filho

    Hi Martin,

    Fantastic job! My family and I watched your video last Sunday and we were very impressed! Thanks for sharing with us!

    Your friend,
    Luiz Carlos ºoº

  • Michael

    Where did you get the music in the background?

  • Michael

    So very good. Where can I get the background music you have on this video. Its awesome. We are going down to disney in october and I would love to make a video for my family’s grand gathering. Of course, i am not sure it can even compare to this one.

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