Martin's Videos

Pirates of the Caribbean and The Big Thundermountain Railroad WDW – Ultimate Tribute

by on Aug.15, 2009, under Adventureland, Frontierland, Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World

Pirates of the Caribbean and The Big Thundermountain Railroad WDW – Ultimate Tribute from Martins Videos on Vimeo.

Here is the first of a multi part WDW Adventureland and Frontierland history series. It made sense to produce a video showing the history of these 2 attractions since they are both connected, and indeed exist, due to the third attraction also featured in the video – the never built Thunder Mesa and Western River Expedition.

Beginning in the late 60`s see the designs and proposals in detail for Thunder Mesa and its 2 E Tickets, Western River Expedition and Big Thunder Railroad. Follow the plots and concepts of both rides, plus the Mountain, before arriving in 1971 and the reasons behind and the designs of Pirates of the Caribbean. Following this is a full concepts, layout and construction section of the Orlando version, followed by a full multi angle enhanced and remastered edit of the 1973 ride with a new stereo source audio/clean live audio mix. Next, see the history and design of Caribbean Plaza and then jump forward 5 years for the reasons behind and full concept and construction coverage of Big Thundermountain Railroad – and how Western River was nearly built again.

Follow the design and layout of Big Thundermountain, and take a multi angle trip aboard the wildest ride in the wilderness. Next, follow the changes made to both attractions since 1973 and 1980, then see what took place in Pirates of the Caribbean during its major 2006 refurb. This is followed by a full multi angle, stereo source/clean live audio mix ride of the current attraction including full queue coverage. Finally, take a tour of modern day Caribbean Plaza, see the additions made for The Pirates League, what parts of Thunder Mesa were actually used and finish with a night time ride on Big Thundermountain.

85 minutes long.

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4 Comments for this entry

  • Michael Crawford


    I didn’t even know this site existed! I found out from DisMarks. Now I feel like I’ve been missing out! And new videos, too!

    All very exciting…

  • George Taylor

    What an amazing job on the research and compiling all of the concept artwork.

    This site is like the “E-Ticket” of the interwebs.

  • Leonardo Robles

    Estimado Martin.
    Es increible el trabajo realizado, y sobre todo la investigación, es admirable y esta es una página que casi nadie conoce y miles de personas quisieran visitar, yo entre ellos… Gracias por alegrarnos el día y sigue así que es lo mejor que he visto…
    Keep the good work… and thanks for everything.

    Leo from Guadalajara México.

  • Rusty P.

    Where did you get the Pirates ride audio at the beginning of this video from 0:00-0:16? I’ve been looking for the updated ride audio, specifically the music you hear in the grotto, but haven’t been able to find it until I heard it in your video. Thanks for your help!

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