Martin's Videos

Pirates of the Caribbean – Martin’s 2021 Ultimate Tribute part two – Orlando

by on Aug.07, 2021, under Adventureland, Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World

Pirates of the Caribbean – Martin’s 2021 Ultimate Tribute part two – Orlando from Martins Videos on Vimeo.

Continuing this series, start by taking an in depth look the history of the Orlando version of this attraction, how and why it was built, how it was designed and laid out, how it differs from Anaheim and a look at the major changes made since 1973 including the original treasure room scene in full.

Next take a walk into Adventureland for a complete tour of the attraction including both queues in full and a full multi angle ride through including each scene in full, followed by a tour of Caribbean Plaza.

I was gifted 70 gig of 4K footage mainly shot in 2017 that I could use so long as I released it in 4K, so as well a 1080p version this is my first edit also in 4K. Audio is a source / clean live mix leaning more towards full source.

The footage was also shot in 2017 specifically to capture the original auction scene in full – as it is presented here. I’ve purposely edited this to capture the attraction as it was at that time. Part one (Anaheim) features the new auction scene with Redd in full.

60 minutes long.

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