Space Mountain WDW – Martins 1975-2020 Ultimate Tribute (in two parts)
by admin on Jan.04, 2020, under Magic Kingdom, Tomorrowland, Walt Disney World
Space Mountain WDW – Martins 1975-2020 Ultimate Tribute (Part 1 of 2) from Martins Videos on Vimeo.
Space Mountain WDW – Martins 1975-2020 Ultimate Tribute (Part 2 of 2) from Martins Videos on Vimeo.
In honour of its 45th anniversary here is a huge tribute to Orlandos Space Mountain.
Trace the origins back to the mid 60s, see versions that weren’t built, and follow their evolution to the final product. Take a detailed look at the design and layout of the final version, see how it was built, and then the grand opening.
Each major version, and smaller changes, are covered in detail with plenty of archive footage and new audio mixes. Eras covered in detail include:
the original 1975 RCA theme including the preshow area, load, the ride and RCAs Home of Future Living.
Updates in 1985 including the preshow area, queue, load and RYCA-1 Dream of a New World
The FedEx era from 1994 including the preshow and queues, load, SMTV, ride, postshow and the video arcade
The 2009 refurb changes, outside and inside
The chicken exit and the 2010 audio additions
And then we come to the present with a look at the exit speedramp removal, the exit diversion around the rear of the mountain, and a full tour of the Mountain as it is today, from outside, the queue, preshows, load, the ride in amazing low light quality with a source audio mix, and the post show and exit as it is minus the speedramp.
I’ve used as much archive material, both audio and visual, as possible to hopefully make this 90 minute long video a true tribute to the original Magic Kingdom thrill ride.
June 23rd, 2020 on 12:04 am
Hi! Just wondering if you had a download for any of the audio files featured in this video